zondag 30 maart 2008

Authentic art deco lamp from the 40ties: 250 Euro in stead of 499

Rather big. 60 cm and in inox. You can get more or less the same and brand new at habitat for 99 Euro.

zondag 23 maart 2008

Heater 1940ties: 10 Euro in stead of 25

Doesn’t heat well and uses 100 times more electricity than the average iron. It also smells burned. Not a bargan for this price.

A fan: 200 Euro in stead of 399

My wife doesn’t want to sell it. It remembers her the summer of ‘74. But if you're really so smart to pay the price, she will let it go.You should know it’s quiet noisy when it’s on full speed.

Blender and balance: 40 Euro in stead of 80

Both disfunctionning since 12 years. Besides that, I don’t see the interest of weighing a banana before blending it into a milkshake. The balance is american. Start to learn their weight entities.

4 identical cupboards: 1000 Euro in stead of 1499

I'm almost shure they won’t fit in your house, because they were tailor and hand made by some underpaid Thai handcraftsmen. The upper right door doesn’t slide very smootly anymore.

Chair: 6 for 120 Euro instead 199

A chair to sit on. Nothing interesting to tell about. Besides the fact that there are 6 of them. But even that is not very interesting, because you can only sit on one at once.

Neonlight (still works surprisingly): 200 Euro instead of 399

When I was a student, I ripped off an old lady in a authentic grocery store by paying only 10 Euro’s for it. It's a nice peace and is in good shape. And now the bad news. I tent to make a huge profit on it.

Wooden pharmacy cupboard: 300 Euro instead of 499

Don’t put your condoms in there.
It takes you 3 minutes to open it.
For me, in general, that was too long.
By the way, the kids wake up
when opening or closing. Very noisy.

Red Chair: 50 Euro instead of 99

Very old and has scratches.
A friend stole it in the VRT building in 1988.
If you buy it, you might have to go to prison.
Some say Jan Ceuleers and Rachel Frederix met on this chair.
That explains the scratches.